WADDAICA mainly contains two modules for drug design. In the first module, WADDAICA provides deep learning models for drug design. It consists of “Drug design by AI”, “Binding affinity by AI” and “Molecular docking” for the users to modify or design new novel drugs. In the second module, WADDAICA provides the classical algorithm for drug design. It consists of “Drug design by CA” for the user to modify or design new novel drugs. Moreover, the function of “Binding affinity by CA” computes Vinardo score to access the binding affinity between ligand and protein. The function of “Drug properties calculation” computes SMILES sequence, Lipinski's rule of five, synthetic accessibility (SA), and pan-assay interference compounds (PAINS) for the uploaded molecule. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us (Email: molaical@yeah.net).

Molecular docking

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